Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What's Wrong With Our Country?

Do you want to know what's wrong with America today? In a word: laziness.  We allow other people to do our thinking for us, we allow other people to do our homework for us, and we want other people to take responsibility for our mistakes.  That's what's wrong with our country today. It's not a partisan issue, it's not a race issue, it's not even a religion/lack of religion issue.  It's a laziness issue.

The George Zimmerman case is a perfect example of laziness in action.  People let the media do their homework for them, and their homework was so badly off the mark it was laughable. In fact, a lot of what the media did was out and out make up stuff or alter stuff so that it sounded like something it wasn't. While what the media did was wrong, I don't put the blame on them.  I put the blame for the violence and the riots that are going on right now because of the verdict on the heads of the people who were too lazy to do their own homework.  Ask any one of them whether they believe the media is trustworthy and 90% of them will tell you they DO NOT trust the media, but that same 90% won't go out and do their own research on the matter.  They allow themselves to be shovel fed whatever concocted B.S. the media dreams up and then blame the media for the wrong answers they receive.  It's not the media's fault - it's the fault of all those who didn't bother to research, to read, to examine the facts, to understand the stakes, and instead allowed themselves to be duped, manipulated, and used by those who use the media as a wedge.

Another great example of laziness in action is abortion.  An overwhelming majority (72%) believe abortion should be illegal in most cases, yet we continue to allow it to go on just as our ancestors felt overwhelmingly uncomfortable with slavery but looked the other way rather than be inconvenienced by having to get up and DO SOMETHING about the situation.  We don't want to deal with the consequences and the aftermath, so we continue to allow millions of innocent babies to die because we are too lazy to take a stand.  Our future is slowly being wiped out, our nation being destroyed, because we won't get off our duffs and speak out.   If those of us who believe it is wrong were to stand together there is NO WAY the other side could continue to succeed, but we won't stand together because that would take work.  May God forgive the nation that has to tell Him that they did not defend the innocent because it was too much effort, as assuredly we someday will.

A third example of sheer laziness in action is the consistent blaming of the "government" for every conceivable problem with our nation.  It's a good cover, and maybe it makes you feel better to be able to point a finger at congress or the Supreme Court or the White House or the Senate and say, "They are the problem, they need to fix it".  However, that's not how our government works, and blaming the government won't fix the problems.  It's our government, WE are the government. WE need to rise up and FIX the problems by holding our elected leaders accountable, by evicting those who refuse to act on our behalf, and by stopping the senseless and ridiculous blaming of parties for problems that exist because we were so lazy we left it up to other people to run our country and now we see that they didn't know how to do it any better than we did.

How do we solve America's problems? We start by taking responsibility.  If we see a problem, WE take responsibility for fixing it. We don't leave it up to our elected leaders or our political parties or our local governments or our federal government. We roll up our sleeves and we get to work to solve the problem we see.  Real leaders do that.  They don't wait to be told what to do - they spot the problems and then they figure out a solution to the problems.  We need to do that, too.  Is it going to be easy? No. Is it going to happen overnight? No. Will we meet resistance? Yes.  That happens anytime someone introduces something new, anytime someone sets out to do something worth doing.  However, if you and I and everyone we know starts to do this, our nation will start to change.  Slowly but surely we will restore our nation to the greatness it once had and will once again stand as a free people.  It's up to us.

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