Monday, June 17, 2013

The Words They Don't Want You To Use, and Why

If you really want to understand your enemy, know what they fear. I saw a post on the internet today describing the words that our government's computers are searching to find when they scan all those internet messages through the NSA filters.  Some of the words were completely unfamiliar to me, so it made me curious as to why the NSA is concerned about these particular words.  Let's go through just a few of the items on the list of 746 words that will catch the interest of the Federal Government, and more importantly try to figure out WHY those words are of interest:

ARTICHOKE: No, not a reference to the vegetable. This is a reference to Project Artichoke, a CIA project that researched interrogation methods and arose from Project BLUEBIRD on August 20, 1951, run by the CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence.[1]
BADGER: A secret army task force created during the Desert Shield buildup to surge the production of anthrax and botulinum vaccines; introduced a vaccine adjuvant (toxic substance that boosts a vaccine's efficiency). The adjuvants, in this case squaleene, were tied to thousands of cases of Gulf War Syndrome

CIA: The Central Intelligence Agency doesn't want you watching what they're doing. So stop already.

COCAINE: Just the mention of the drug is apparently enough to get you on their watch list. (Here's an interesting party trick: Google CIA + Cocaine. Truly eye-opening stuff.)

CORNFLOWER: Think you know all about Jonestown? Think again. Jonestown was a CIA run mind-control experiment, and Cornflower was a book used to condition children up to the age of 20 to become programmed government assassins. But don't talk about Cornflower. The government doesn't want you to ask too many questions.

DEFCON: Started in 1992 by the Dark Tangent, DEFCON is the world's longest running and largest underground hacking conference. Given their concern about information terrorism and infosec, it's no surprise that this would make the list.

DOMESTIC DISRUPTION: Very little information or explanation to be found about what this means. I suspect it is a reference to civil war or civil uprising, especially as when searching domestic disruption + civil war or civil unrest, I found references to the military creating a new division to handle civil disruption

ECHELON: A worldwide network of spy stations.

FBI: Don't talk about them, and they promise not to watch you.

FREEDOM: Your discussion about freedom is cause for the government to flag you as a potential terrorist? Really? So much for the land of the free and the home of the brave.

GEODSS: The Ground-Based Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance (GEODSS) system, which can track objects as small as a basketball more than 20,000 miles in space, plays a vital role in tracking space objects, particularly those in deep space.  This seems rather benign, so why is it a trigger for being put in the watchlist?

INFOWAR: Possible reference to Alex Jones' popular radio program known as the info wars

INGRAM MAC-10: Fully automatic sub-machine gun

INTERNET UNDERGROUND: What sounded like the name of a report or a website turned out to be one of the rare items that might be worth watching. Essentially, only about 20% of the internet is visible to the search engines.  The other 80% is where the real stuff happens - assassinations ordered, child trafficking, sex trafficking, drug orders

MI5: British version of the CIA

MI6: British version of the FBI

SOROS: George Soros, specifically. Another protected citizen. Apparently, any mention of Soros is enough to wind you on their special list.

GSG-9: An elite German counter-terrorism unit formed in 1976. To quote a former member, "We move in as a team of five, we take care of it, and everything is basically over before they even know what happened."

HACKERS: Programmers who specialize in exploring the programming code created by other programmers, usually with the intention of exploiting software or hardware vulnerabilities

ILLUMINATI: A secret society founded in 1776. This group has as its primary objective the creation of a new world order - a single, unified government under the control of elite members where the rest of civilization is enslaved. Many do not believe the Illuminati exists, but if the government is using it as a flag word to mark you as a terrorist, one has to think they take it seriously.

INFOSEC:  Stands for Information Security. Refers to the techniques used to protect information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, perusal, inspection, recording or destruction. It is a general term that can be used regardless of the form the data may take


INFORMATION TERRORISM: the use of a combination of false and true information combined in such a way as to destroy the reputation, assassinate the character, or undermine the perceived trustworthiness of an individual, corporation, or entity.  

Important note on this: These may be flagged because they are the words used by a group whose business is tracking the activities of the Illuminati and reporting the evidence they have compiled against them.

INFORMATION WARFARE "activities undertaken by government, groups, or individuals to gain electronic access to information systems in other countries ... as well as activities undertaken to protect against it." (defined by The Brown Commission)

IW: the use of information or information technology during a time of crisis or conflict to achieve or promote specific objectives over a specific adversary.

MAYFLY: A reference to Project Mayfly, in which the transnational tobacco companies of British American Tobacco (BAT), Imperial Tobacco, Rothmans Tobacco, Gallaher, R.J. Reynolds,Philip Morris and the German tobacco company Reentsma in 1980 to "influence, modify or change public opinion to the industry, smokers and smoking, to create a more favourable climate [for smoking and the industry], however directly or indirectly." [1]

MSNBC: These 5 letters stand for Microsoft National Broadcasting Company. Or, as some of us like to call them, the lapdog of the liberal elite.  Apparently you shouldn't be talking about them, just listening to their every word. Don't worry. They'll tell you what to think.

NORAD: North American Aerospace Defense Command. Conducts aerospace warning, aerospace control and maritime warning in the defense of North America. Why is someone talking about this agency a concern to the NSA?

NSA: National Security Association. Wow.  Just talking about the NSA is enough to get you watched by the NSA. 

Pink Noise: May be a reference to website which hosts documents on convert CIA operations

PLAYBOY: I am just as concerned about pornography as the next person, but I think it a far stretch for the government to be putting people talking about Playboy on a list of potential terrorists. Makes you think they know something we don't, and makes me curious to find out more.

PRESIDENT: Anytime you mention the president, you clearly must be doing something worth watching.

PRIVACY: Apparently, concern for your privacy is a reason for the government to be concerned about you.

RAND CORPORATION: It boggles the mind to think that talking about a corporation that is "a nonprofit institution that helps to improve policy and decision making through research and analysis" is enough to land you on the terrorist list.  Maybe this article will help you understand why the government doesn't want you discussing them. 

RENO: Don't know if this is for the city or for an undisclosed project, but apparently all citizens of Reno had better watch themselves when speaking or posting online using their city in the title. 

S/KEY: a one-time password system developed for authentication to Unix-like operating systems, especially from dumb terminals or untrusted public computers on which one does not want to type a long-term password.

WACKENHUTAmerica's largest (and the world's second-largest) private security company. Founded in Miami by four ex-FBI agents in 1954 (one of whom was George Wackenhut, now deceased), under the name Special Agent Investigators Inc. Acquired by a Danish corporation in 2002.

WAIHOPAI: This secretive location is referred to by the New Zealand Government as a "satellite communications monitoring facility" and is officially called GCSB Waihopai. Part of ECHELON.

WILLIAM GATES: You might be interested to know that discussing Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft and the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation is enough to land you on the terrorist watch list.

From just this small sample, the real concern of the government seems to be less about preventing terrorism and more about ferreting out those who might find ways to prevent them from spying on us, those who might find ways to find out what they are hiding from us, and anyone who actively pays attention to their activities.  It appears to have virtually nothing to do with real terrorism and everything to do with keeping the citizens in our nice, safe little boxes so they can do whatever it is they want to do without having to worry that we'll try to stop them. Another question is why US funds are being spent surveying for information relating to British agencies.